Wednesday, 18 July 2012

June Update and July Goals!

Well, again, its been over a month since I have posted and during that time I have been busy with work as well as Diablo, however, with the release of 6th Edition, I am getting motivated to start painting again.  I recently picked up some more Dark Eldar as well as a Changeling which I am painting for the hell of it... just like the model. 

For June I also took part in a painting deathmatch over at the Miniwargaming forums, and managed to finish my squad of 5 wyches, however, I wasn't overly pleased with them, so a re-think is in order for my color schemes.

Now onto the results of our Goals.  This month was a good month for Kroxx, as he was able to not only complete his goal of 10 points, he exceeded it, completing the month with a total of 15.  Myself, however, I failed yet again.  I only managed 5 points of my 10 point goal.  This month I plan on keeping the same goal, 10 points, and seeing if I can get there, where Kroxx is setting a goal of 10 points.

Anyways, that is all for this update, hopefully there will be some pics of progress soon.


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